to deploy a wlan profile along with WPA2 key (in plain text so be warned!):

1. Create the profile first and then use:

Netsh Wlan Export Profile Name="<<PROFILE NAME>>" key=clear

this dumps an xml in the current working directort with the password in plain text.

2. You can then run:

netsh wlan add profile filename="<<new xml file name>>" user=all

to reimport it on another machine

Other netsh WLAN commands:

<div class="table-cell-content">Task</div> <div class="table-cell-content">Instructions</div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Delete a profile </div> <div class="table-cell-content">At the command prompt, type: netsh wlan delete profile name=”ProfileName” </div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Show all wireless profiles on the PC </div> <div class="table-cell-content">At the command prompt, type: netsh wlan show profiles </div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Show a security key </div> <div class="table-cell-content">At the command prompt, type: netsh wlan show profile name=“ProfileName” key=clear </div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Move a network up in the priority list </div> <div class="table-cell-content">Connecting to a new network and choosing Connect automatically will place it at the top of the list. </div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Stop automatically connecting to a network within range </div> <div class="table-cell-content">Tap or click the network in the network list, then clickDisconnect. </div>
<div class="table-cell-content">Stop automatically connecting to a network that’s out of range </div> <div class="table-cell-content">At the command prompt, type: netsh wlan set profileparameter name=”ProfileName” connectionmode=manual </div>