Setting up my django development (basic).

The following steps assuming that Python is installed.

  1. Setup a repository on Bitbucket: Ensure my development machine has access via SSH keys
  2. **Install pip on development machine:**
    To install pip, securely download
    Then run the following (which may require administrator access): <div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"> $[sudo] python


  3. **Install virtualenv on the development machine:** $ [sudo] pip install virtualenv
  4. Create a working directory for the project: $mkdir /path/to/project/root
  5. Create the virtual environment to work from: $virtualenv /path/to/project/root/env
  6. Activate the virtual environment: $source /path/to/project/root/env/bin/activate
  7. Install mysql-python:```
     (env)$[sudo]apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
     (env)$pip install MySQL-python
  8. Install django 1.7:``` (env)$pip install django==1.7
     exit the virtualenv for now by:

    (env)$ deactivate ```

  9. Install pycharm to manage the project from a GUI:
    First install java: ``` $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer $ sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
     Next install pycharm:
     Download from [  ]( from a directory outside of your project directory:

    $ wget

     change to that directory and :

    $ tar -xvf pycharm-community-4.5.3.tar.gz

     now to launch pycharm:

    $ ./pycharm-community-4.5.3/bin/ ```

Django 1.7, mysql-python and the pycharm editor should now be ready to use!

Next: Setting up the itstock django project