The following steps assume you’ve completed part 1 :

  1. Re-activate your virtual environment (where /code/env is the location you created the virtualenv) <span class="gp">$</span> source ./code/env/bin/activate
  2. cd into the parent directory of the virtualenv (/code/) in this example: <span class="gp">(env)$</span> cd ./code
  3. Create the django project named itstock: (env)~/code/itstock$ django-admin startproject itstock
  4. Now setup Git on the ./code/itstock directory by: (env)~/code/itstock$ git init ./ (env)~/code/itstock$ git add ./ (env)~/code/itstock$ git commit
  5. **Next setup connection to the Bitbucket remote repository via:** cd to the core directory of the project: (env)~/code/itstock$ cd ./itstock
  6.  (env)~/code/itstock/itstock$ git remote add origin<username>/<name of repo>
     (env)~/code/itstock/itstock$ git push -u origin --all
     (env)~/code/itstock/itstock$ git push -u origin
  7. **Integrate Bitbucket Git repo to Pycharm:**Launch pycharm and select the core directory [~/code/itstock/itstock in my case] as the location for the projectDownload the Bitbucket plugin from Pycharm click : File > Settings > Plugins > Install plugin from disk…

    Then select the downloaded zip file and install.

    I got a bit lost then, you need to add the Bitbucket repo in when you want to push, maybe start with a PULL request to define that and then work from there.

  8. Ensure the db is migrated:
    Back in the terminal: (env)~/code/itstock$ python runserver <IP>:8080